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Filtering by Tag: blasting improvements

Micro fractures aid in mineral recovery - ISEE2024

January, 2024

2024 Conference - International Society of Explosives Engineers (

Creating Micro Fractures in Rock Fragments for Blasting Efficiency Improvement

Dr. Ruilin Yang, Orica Limited

Prof. Sidney Green, Enhanced Production Inc.


Blasting is a commonly used method for rock fragmentation in mining operations for mineral extraction. It involves breaking the rock mass into small pieces, and ideally creating micro fractures within the small pieces. Such micro fractures could significantly reduce the energy required for subsequent processes like crushing and comminution. Additionally, micro fractures would enhance the rock-fragments fluid permeability thereby enhancing desired chemical reactions during certain processing operations.

This paper presents recent developments of the Multiple Blasthole Fragmentation (MBF) model, which simulates blasting rockmass fragmentation. The MBF model allows estimating rock strains experienced during the blast, for various blast design parameters and geometries. The intent is to correlate these strains with created micro fractures in the blast rock fragments. Adjusting blast design parameters in the MBF model of explosive loading and delay timing allows blast optimization. Such optimizing would create desirable strains to enhance micro fractures within the rock fragments. This would improve mining operations by enhancing downstream operation efficiency, thus reducing costs. Questions? Reach out regarding this presentation.


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