Energy Planning Innovation & Enhanced Production™


EPI provides innovations for enhanced production in the subsurface energy industry that combine economic benefits and environmental sustainability.

EPI Acquires Full-Scale Reservoir Simulation Drilling and Completions Laboratory

March 28, 2017

EPI completed the purchase of the Drilling Simulator facility from TerraTek, Inc., a Schlumberger company, on March 28, 2017. The Equipment has been carefully disassembled and moved to storage at the Intermountain Rigging & Heavy Haul site in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This drilling facility is particularly significant as at present there is considerable research and engineering underway on horizontal well drilling and completions in complicated formations like shales, tight sands, and tight carbonates.  Both theoretical calculations and field trials are being conducted. To compliment this on-going work, large-scale experimental tests are greatly needed to speed progress. But unfortunately there is no large-scale experimental testing capability available for real rock at reservoir conditions to guide and confirm this work.  

The EPI Equipment could provide the experimental research, engineering, and testing facility that does not now exist anywhere in the world. This facility can test real rock samples, under real reservoir conditions (stresses and flow), and at full-scale.  EPI has initiated its sales effort to sell and re-commission this equipment that will offer a bridge between academic research and industry field trials.

Download the Laboratory Presentation and Brochure / Xiâo cèzi


Innovations for clean, abundant, low-cost and reliable energy.

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

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