Sidney Green
1005 East 900 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
email +1 801 556-8753
Sidney Green is a Research Professor at the University of Utah, where he holds an appointment in Mechanical Engineering. He was a senior member of Schlumberger, the largest worldwide oil-field service company. He is a founder and retired President/CEO of TerraTek in Salt Lake City, Utah, a well known engineering firm. He was the founder and CEO of Enhanced Production, Inc. EPI. He is currently a principal of Energy Planning Innovations.
Applied Mechanics, Stanford University, 1964
Applied Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, 1961-1962
MS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1961
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Missouri School of Mines, Rolla 1959
Significant Accomplishments:
Holds over 24 patents.
Served on Government Committees and has testified at various Governmental hearings
Served on many University advisory boards
Served on the National Research Council Committee on Destruction of Chemical Weapons,
on the Committee for Methane Hydrates as an Energy Resource, and
on the Committee for Induced Seismicity from Energy Recovery
Past Board Member and President of the Salt Lake Boys and Girls Clubs of Salt Lake City
Past Member of Utah Science Council
Past Member of the Greater Salt Lake Chamber Board of Governors;
Life-Member of Society of Petroleum Engineers
Founding Member, Chair, and Director of the Utah Technology Finance Corporation
Past Member University of Utah Engineering National Advisory Council
Founding Member and Past Director of Utah Science Council
Past Chair of Gordon Research Conference on Fiber Composites
Co-Organizer, Penrose Conference on Geothermal Energy
Chair, ARMA Annual Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2010
Chair, Founder Utah Academy of Engineering and Science
Rock Mechanics Achievement Award, Society of Experimental Mechanics
Outstanding Engineer Award for the State of Utah
Entrepreneur of the Year from the Mountain West Venture Group of Utah
Professional Engineer Award from the Missouri School of Mines
University of Utah Engineering Achievement award
Top Honors:
Member of the US National Academy of Engineers
Fellow, American Rock Mechanics Association
Recipient of the University of Utah Honorary Alumni Award
Recipient of Missouri University of Science & Technology’s Alumni Merit Award
Member Utah Academy of Engineering & Science
Selected Publications:
Green, S., “Observations, Opportunities, and Risks of the Energy Transition”, presentation to the US Congressional Research Center, 17 April, 2024.
Green, S., Sjoden, G., Aumeier, S., McCarter, K., Green, G., McLennan, J., 2023, "The Potential and Challenges of Expanded Nuclear Energy", Pre-print, 2023.
Green, S., McLennan, J. D., Palash P., Kitz, K., Allis R., and Moore, J., “Geothermal Battery Energy Storage”, Renewable Energy, v 164: 777-790, February, 2021.
Green, Sidney, “What happens when the Sun isn’t Shining – Renewable Energy Storage”, Graduate Seminar for the Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Utah, October, 2020.
Green, S., Xu, G., Forbes, B., Green, G., McLennan, J., and D. Work. "Early Time Fracture Growth and Cluster Spacing Effects." Paper presented at the 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, June 2018.
Green, S., Walsh, J., McLennan, J., and Forbes, B., "Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Steps Considering Different Fracture Fluids." Paper presented at the 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, June 2017.
Green, S., How Can We Improve Hydraulic Fracturing Efficiency, Northwestern Univ. Symposium, Invited, April 30, 2013.
Green, S., The Role of Stresses versus Rock Fabric on Hydraulic Fractures, AAPG Baltimore, Conference, Invited speaker, July 16-17, 2013.
Green, S., Judzis, A., Curry, D., Black, A., Prasad, U., and J. Rogers. "Single Cutter Impact Tests Investigate Deep-Well Hammer-Drilling Performance." Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, October, 2005.
Green, Sidney J., Griffin, R. M., and Pratt, H. R., “Stress-Strain and Failure Properties of a Porous Shale”, 6th Conference on Drilling and Rock Mechanics SPE, Journal of Petroleum Technology, January 1973: 118-128.
Green, S. J., Leasia, R. D., Perkins, R. D., Jones, A. H., “Triaxial Stress Behavior of Solenhofen Limestone and Westerly Granite at High Strain Rates”, AGU, Journal of Geophysical Research, v 77, 20: 3711-3724, 1972.
Yang, Ruilin (杨瑞林), Green, S., 2023, “Peak Particle Velocity for Blasting Rock Modeling”, ARMA, presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, June, 2023.
Ptaszyńska, A., Green, S., Hupka, J., Suarez Rivera, R., “Mineral and organic matter constituents in weak interfaces in shales”, ARMA, presented at 50th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Volume 2, 2016, p. 1154-1162, June, 2016.
Schieber, J., Newhart, R., Green, S., Suarez-Rivera, R., Gathogo, P., Petriello, J., Huster, W., Tight Shale Heterogeneity and Pore Structure at the Nanometer to Centimeter Scale, AAPG Annual Convention, May 19-22, 2013.
Casas, L., Miskimins, J., Black, A., Green, S., Laboratory Hydraulic Fracturing Test on a Rock with Artificial Discontinuities, SPE-103617, 2006.
Suarez-Rivera, R., Connor, R., Kieschnick, J., Green, S., Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments Help Understanding Fracture Branching on Tight Gas Shales, ARMA 06-1130, 2006.
Suarez-Rivera, R., Green, S., McLennan, J., Bai, M., Effect of Layered Heterogeneity on Fracture Initiation in Tight Gas Shales, SPE 103327, 2006.
Suarez-Rivera, R., Handwerger, D., Kieschnick, J., Martin, W., Green, S., Accounting for Heterogeneity Provides a New Perspective for Tight Shale Completions, ARMA 05-758, 2005.
Bai, M., Green, S., van den Hoek, P., A Parametric Analysis of Deep Injection for Waste Disposal Using a 3-D Hydraulic Fracturing Simulator, NARMS Conference, 2002.
Clifton, R. J., Simonson, E. R., Jones, A. H., and Green, S. J.,“Determination of the Critical-stress-intensity factor Klc from Internally Pressurized Thick-walled Vessels”, Presented SESA Spring meeting May 11-16 1975, published Experimental Mechanics, 16: 233-238, June, 1976.
Green, S. J., Schierlock, F. L., Perkins, R. D., and Babcock, S. G., “High-velocity Deformation Properties of Polyurethane Foams”, Experimental Mechanics, 103-109, March, 1969.
Jones, A. H., Maiden, C. J., and Green, S. J., Chin, H., "Prediction of Elastic-Plastic Wave Profiles in Aluminum 1060-0 Under Uniaxial Strain Loading" Pre-print from Symposium, Mechanical Behavior of Materials Under Dynamic Loads, p. 254-269, 1968.